Forcing a culture shift
from the inside out

Scientific research has proven that alcohol has a direct link with seven types of cancer, even when consumed lightly. This makes alcohol the largest risk factor for cancer besides smoking. Over half of the Flemish population isn’t aware of this fact, which led the leading cancer prevention organization, Kom op tegen Kanker, to reach out to Momkai to create an awareness campaign.

Once we started talking, it turned out Kom op tegen Kanker wasn’t looking for the campaign they initially outlined — they were looking for a long-term culture shift. Besides raising public awareness, we collaborated with the organization to reduce the risk of cancer in everything they do. From catering to business gifts, all social rituals are now being reimagined through the lens of the renewed strategy so Kom op tegen Kanker walks the talk.

Giving members a seat at the table

Kom op tegen Kanker, like many non-profits, raises much-needed funds — from live events to individual community-led actions, which historically included alcohol sales. The new prevention awareness philosophy called for a shift in that strategy. To validate the new direction, we brought together the entire Kom op tegen Kanker team plus over 100 fundraising volunteers.

Together, we reflected on future-proof alternatives in fundraising opportunities, partnerships and events. It quickly became apparent that the link between alcohol and cancer takes time to land. Alcohol is ingrained in our social rituals, and calling for immediate radical change could be counterproductive. Ultimately, we realized the focus on alcohol was too limited, and we needed to create a holistic movement that can be used to promote lifestyle choices on different levels.

Celebrating the
bon vivant lifestyle 2.0

It’s not the first time scientific insights have led to a major cultural shift. The anti-smoking movement has been going strong for over 30 years, and with these new insights on alcohol we’re on the verge of yet another leap forward in health. Thanks to our in-depth interviews with volunteers, we learned that the rituals surrounding lifestyle choices are just as important as the buzz.

If we aim to spread awareness and not scare off the public, we have to rebuild those rituals with healthy alternatives that are just as appealing and delicious. We found the solution in ‘the New Bon Vivant’, or in Dutch, De Nieuwe Levensgenieter. This strategy positions a healthy lifestyle as a logical evolution for celebrating life to its fullest potential.

Tastemakers that show the way

Every movement needs people you can stand behind. We collaborated with Kom op tegen Kanker to cast the right mix of tastemakers, balancing science and enjoyment, for the movement introduction video.

Based on the movement story defined in the strategy phase, we created a script and storyboard that creative video agency Het Bataljon brought to life. We co-edited the final film featuring tv-chef and head dietitian of the University Hospital Antwerp Michaël Sels, pro-cyclist Bert De Backer and tv-host Karine Claassen. Motion Design plays an important role in building character, which was implemented throughout the entire video.

A digital platform balancing information and inspiration

The website is the heart of the movement. Here, members can join in, seek inspiration, give a kudo, and get started with new healthy rituals right away. To grow organic traffic, we collaborated with The Content Department on a search-based content strategy. Their keyword research resulted in an ingredient list that Kom op tegen Kanker could translate into long-read articles at ease.

The platform is built in a low-code environment making it easy to maintain and grow over time. All efforts in digital design are tuned for lead generation, making it as easy as possible to join the movement. We developed  an automated 6-week mailflow to immerse the new members into the New Bon Vivant lifestyle one step at a time.

A mouth-watering validated
visual system

We created a visual system that stands its ground among other bon vivant brands.
Kom op tegen Kanker wants to add to your life, not take fun away, so the identity and messaging has to serve beyond alcohol and inspire a healthy lifestyle overall.

Traditional checkerboard patterns in a progressive color scheme hint towards cozy times with friends and family. Within the logo, we added a hand-written touch, as a personal recommendation of good times — which translate seamlessly to alcohol-free beer glasses or festive flags. To ensure the concept would land, we validated it with over 300 Flemish people from different regions and age groups.

Creating memberful moments

Movements aren’t built overnight. They take commitment and evolve over time.
They need memberful moments that spark interest and build community. With the help of a movement calendar, we created different activation moments that help Kom op tegen Kanker spread the word.

The New Bon Vivant is not a short-term solution — it’s a movement that will evolve over time. As close partners, we are there every step of the way, tapping into the strategic direction that will drive the bon vivant movement forward. From online ads to physical activations, we can’t wait to bring the rocktailbar-concept to life in the near future.